Laser hair removal - worth it? | Mumsnet (2025)

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30slifecrisis · 20/10/2024 20:44

I am considering getting laser hair removal on my bikini area / bum. I have been going for hollywood waxes every 5-7 weeks pretty consistently for the last 2 years, but I've decided to stop because my skin is very sensitive and it's always very red and blotchy afterwards. Also, when the hair grows back I always seem to get folliculitis and it's quite unsightly and itchy. Plus the cost! Shaving also doesn't really agree with me.

A few of my friends have had laser treatment and I am thinking about giving it a go. Does it work? Does it hurt? Do you have to go with no hair? My pubic hair is probably less strong because of the waxing. I wouldn't say it's really dark but it's not light hair.

I haven't been for a wax for over 2 months now and I am desperate to get rid of the hair!!

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FrogSplash · 20/10/2024 20:52

I'm on my third of six sessions for leg hair removal and despite having PCOS I'm giddy at how much of a difference it's made already.

You have to go fully close shaved and you can't wax/use cream which is a bit of a faff for me (as my glasses steam up in the shower and then I can't see anything Laser hair removal - worth it? | Mumsnet (1)) but it's totally worth it.

It doesn't hurt but it feels really cold!

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WhatASmashingBlouseYouHaveOn · 20/10/2024 20:59

I had a stint of IPL and the therapist said i would have to keep going back indefinitely because it isnt really permanent hair removal. I was annoyed as its always marketed as being a permanent hair removal method.

I had electrolysis done after that, my therapist said that electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal as it kills the hair follicle. All other laser treatments will slow or temporarily stunt hair growth but eventually it will all regrow. I wish I'd known that before wasting my time and money on IPL. Same for those laser home treatment guns...waste of money.

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30slifecrisis · 20/10/2024 21:11

@WhatASmashingBlouseYouHaveOn oh really! That’s so interesting. I’ve never even heard of electrolysis. What have your results been like?

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Soverysad23 · 20/10/2024 21:14

Look in to buying yourself an IPL machine. I’m not exaggerating when I say it changed my life. I have the Philips Lumea but I expect there are newer models.

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TemuSpecialBuy · 20/10/2024 21:15

It hurts but waxing hurts.
6 -8 sessions and you are basically done

Note: if you do pubic area it is NOT recommended to do full hollywood as in your twilight years light coverage is considered more flattering (french wax)

The philips lumea does NOT do what a proffessional alexandrite laser does. I know i have used both.

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WhatASmashingBlouseYouHaveOn · 20/10/2024 21:20

30slifecrisis · 20/10/2024 21:11

@WhatASmashingBlouseYouHaveOn oh really! That’s so interesting. I’ve never even heard of electrolysis. What have your results been like?

Sure, as I said permanent results, but it takes lots of sessions to cover zapping all the hair follicle cycles ...they all grow at different times throughout the month.

It's best for small areas, not legs because of the time involved. Sorry to say it can be painful, you cannot expose the skin to sunlight or hot water afterwards because it will burn. If you are interested in trying it, find a therapist qualified as an electrolysist. Also it won't damage the skin unlike laser therapy.

I had an awful time at one point, bad relationship breakdown and embarrassingly had some thick hairs that started growing out of my chin...mid thirties, never known anything like it, I went for electrolysis and she said its likely hormones gone mad, those bristly hairs have thankfully never ever come back! So yes I have been please with the results , it was worth the needling pain 😂

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Laser hair removal - worth it? | Mumsnet (2025)
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