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86 replies
DocusDiplo · 23/03/2019 07:57
Sorry about the really icky topic... I am not really sure where to looks.
I want to remove hair because I have lots of hair and it makes me really unconfident and feel yucky/dirty?
I am OK with tidying bikini line bits with wax and parts of vulva but.... v freaked out doing anus area on my own. Any tips or ideas? I am a bit scared to properly Google...
Sorry again for horrible topic. I have a new man friend and am feeling anxious cos of wobbly stomach and hairiness :( :(
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jeaux90 · 23/03/2019 08:07
Go to a decent salon that does Brazilian waxing, they will do that area too.
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BertrandRussell · 23/03/2019 08:07
Why would you feel yucky/dirty if you wash thoroughly and often?
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Lollypop701 · 23/03/2019 08:08
I think you can get this waxed too?
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MissBPotter · 23/03/2019 08:09
I think you need to improve your self esteem and realize it does not depend on removing hair from your bum hole!
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Cherylshaw · 23/03/2019 08:10
Have it waxed, I wouldn't be doing that area myself, it is not painful! However your crack gets really sweaty when done and can be uncomfortable 🤣
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Hotpinkangel19 · 23/03/2019 08:10
Wax is the best way I think, although I just shave everything off!
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Sinead100 · 23/03/2019 08:15
Go and get it waxed properly
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ATowelAndAPotato · 23/03/2019 08:22
Waxing is the way forward. Shaving is fine for the first day but the re-growth is the most uncomfortable thing ever! Apparently, my friend said so anyway
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DocusDiplo · 23/03/2019 08:26
Maybe I just need to brace myself and do it. Its just a bit scary. And v hard to see. I cannot afford to get it done professionally sadly. And I might be too self conscious to do that anyway.
Oh and @Bertrand - its the same as armpit hair - its not wrong at all, I would just feel embarrassed not removing that hair. And "down there", its just a bit.. shameful? Its an issue in my head - not a rational thought. "I'm a feminist but..."
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cocomelon23 · 23/03/2019 08:27
I have mine waxed when I have a Brazilian. It doesn't hurt at all. Go for it.
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DocusDiplo · 23/03/2019 08:28
Thanks for ex - posts.
I take point about self esteem but I think its harder for people with fair skin and thick, dark hair - All over.
It will be ok. Thanks for replies.
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BillyAndTheSillies · 23/03/2019 08:32
Whatever you do, don't use hair removal cream.
I asked DH to pop some on my bum cheeks before a girls holiday but it was the expandable aerosol one which ended up in my crack and I had chemical burns to my bum hole the entire time I was away.
It's definitely a wax job. If you can't afford one in a salon, it would be worth checking out whether your local authority college has a beauty therapist course because they often have a salon that offers very cheap treatments. All over seen by professionals of course.
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sammylady37 · 23/03/2019 12:18
For those who get it waved professionally, can I ask what position you have to get into for that? I’m used to getting a Brazilian but think I might have to stretch/contort into awkward position for Hollywood??
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DontCallMeCharlotte · 23/03/2019 12:33
Oh OP it really isn't shameful Love.
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elQuintoConyo · 23/03/2019 12:56
I always thought if I were on all fours getting my bumhole waxed, I'd fart as they ripped the strips off and possibly clench so hard they'd lose their watch
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BertrandRussell · 23/03/2019 13:13
I wish I thought this was a troll post with somebody getting off on women talking about removing hair from their anuses. But sadly, I donNt think it is. And someone put hair removal cream on their anus ^before a “girl’s” holiday?? Seriously?
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Mishappening · 23/03/2019 13:16
There are some bits that should simply be left to their own devices, recognising that the hair serves a function or it would not be there.
This problem is in your mind, not your bum.
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Wellhellothere101 · 23/03/2019 13:19
OK I'll bite. When I get a Brazilian I lie on my side and pull my knees up to 90 degrees. The therapist then kind of lifts my bum cheek up, applies wax then whips it off. Easy but embarrassing. Makes me feel cleaner down there when it's waxed and fab for when I'm going on holiday and wearing a bikini.
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TotalNoob · 23/03/2019 13:27
Surely a quick whizz over with an electric ladyshave would suffice? If it’s a matter of removing excess hair rather than a desire to be totally hairless.
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BillyAndTheSillies · 23/03/2019 13:31
If you'd have actually read my full post instead of immediately just reading anus Bertrand you would have seen that this was accidental.
I'm not going to apologise for removing my body hair once or twice a year so that I don't resemble a yeti on a beach. I don't care that you may perceive it as bowing in to peer pressure or porn culture, and I certainly do not do it for my DH. It's my own personal preference, as an owner of extremely dark (and long) pubic hair.
Actual subject matter in hand, when mine is waxed, it is while I'm on my front and the backs of my thighs are being waxed.
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DocusDiplo · 23/03/2019 13:49
Yeah - its like personal preference - like make up, eyebrows shaped etc. Wasn't brave enough to do on my own today so will book appointment when have more monies. Went near area and trimmed with scissors so its OK.
Sorry that happened to you Billy. Owweee.
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user1474894224 · 23/03/2019 13:52
Just use immac. It works fine. No regrowth like shaving. Easy to do.
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Sux2buthen · 23/03/2019 13:52
There's no shame in hair and no shame in wanting to remove hair. I prefer removal too, for myself. Not because I'm conditioned to think that or ashamed I just prefer the look and feel.
Each to their own!
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MyDcAreMarvel · 23/03/2019 13:55
Op it’s your body , wax whatever you want to, but it’s really not shameful to have body hair.
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Palominoo · 23/03/2019 13:57
Years ago I used to be waxed then I turned to shaving which I've done for at least 25 years but recently I discovered a cream that is brilliant for down there.
99p! I was hesitant the first time I used it as you have to leave it on longer than other depatory creams but held out and it gives great results.
I like everything off, no hair at all and this is brilliant.
No ingrowing hairs but then I've never had ingrowing hairs whatever method I've used, waxing, shaving or creams.
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