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57 replies
mummymafia · 25/10/2012 13:38
OK, I haven't shared this with ANYONE until now. So, now I'm (just) over 40 my pubic hair has started to grow in my bum crack. I know you are all falling over laughing (hope those Tena lights are in place...) but it is causing me some embarrassment. I'm sure DH must have noticed (although I must add we are not into THAT!) & when getting changed at the gym/swimming pool I'm pretty self conscious. It's not that I can comb it neatly over each bum cheek but I know it's there. I can't get it waxed - too embarrassed & would no doubt be way too painful. I've got one of those laser hair removal thingys but I couldn't do it on my own & don't think it would be advised! So please help!! Am I alone? [hblush]
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MadameCastafiore · 25/10/2012 13:39
Go and get it waxed - it really isnlt that bad - I have everything whipped off and if you find someone who is professional and often older you will feel more comfortable with them whipping it all off - they see loads of bum hair - believe me yours won't be anything new.
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ChickensHaveNoEyebrows · 25/10/2012 13:40
Plait it.
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fuzzywuzzy · 25/10/2012 13:42
If you really want to get it waxed, then go to a waxing place and get it done, do you wax your lady garden as a norm, waxing if done properly doesn't hurt as much as you might think.
I get waxed at the middle of my cycle, my skin is less sensitive then strnagely.
Otherwise embrace it vajazzle your arse hair (sorry)
I can't believe I have this to loo forward to
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iWILLdothis · 25/10/2012 13:54
Invest in a Philips lumea IPL hair removal system?
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fuzzywuzzy · 25/10/2012 13:55
iWill can you safely use that on pubic hair?
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Northumberlandlass · 25/10/2012 14:02
I've always had it.
I get it waxed when I get my bikini done - nee problem.
I have lots of other hairy bits too. One of those things !
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mummymafia · 25/10/2012 14:03
IWILL - I have one of those, not sure it's ok in the old crack de bum?
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Lulabellarama · 25/10/2012 14:04
I use an epilator. It hurts like buggery (almost literally) but its free and I can do it at home, alone.
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DolomitesDonkey · 25/10/2012 14:06
You do realise it's normal right? So you can withdraw your application from the Circus Of Freaks.
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DolomitesDonkey · 25/10/2012 14:07
Otoh, it is not normal under any circumstances to use an epilator - in the name of all that is holy lulabella what on earth do you think you're doing? Do you tease out your fingernaiils for fun?
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Lulabellarama · 25/10/2012 14:08
I do my bikini line too, including undercarriage. I'm used to it now
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Naghoul · 25/10/2012 14:11
do you not catch your flaps?
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MummysHappyPills · 25/10/2012 14:18
I just assumed everyone had arse hair! I have always had it. Why should it just neatly stop at the bum area? I have had a Brazilian a few times and they do it as a matter if course, they have never batted an eyelid.
Word of advice - DO NOT use hair removal cream there.
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MummysHappyPills · 25/10/2012 14:21
I think lulabella was saying that arse hair is normal, not epilating!
I have to agree epilating is from hell, I do my legs and underarms but the idea of doing the old undercarriage makes my eyes water!
I am a bit of a hairy bird though - Mediterranean heritage.
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Alibabaandthe40nappies · 25/10/2012 14:24
You epilate your arse crack?
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GnocchiGnocchiWhosThere · 25/10/2012 14:27
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espanol · 25/10/2012 14:28
It's normal. Your choice is to either learn to live with it (really! I do! My husband still has sex with me! I still look normal! I still have friends!) or get it waxed (did that once! It was easier and less painful to learn to love my arse hair, I tell you).
Whatever you do, don't self-epilate
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valiumredhead · 25/10/2012 14:32
It's completely normal. Wax it if you want but I doubt your dh will notice or care tbh.
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DolomitesDonkey · 25/10/2012 15:15
Yes, I think you need to ask yourself "how many people will see my hairy arse-crack". Obviously if the numbers run in to double digits then you may wish to explore some topiary, but if like many people, your bumhole remains mostly unviewed and it doesn't trip you up - ignore it.
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WitchesTit · 25/10/2012 15:25
Oh, bum hair used to bother me (around the time I first heard about anal bleaching). I immac-ed it.
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SomewhereInCanada · 25/10/2012 15:35
at Dolomites
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CelineMcBean · 25/10/2012 15:36
Totally normal. Veet it if it bothers you but avoid your actually arse hole. Dead easy to do by feel because your bum will squish the cream evenly.
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PrincessSymbian · 25/10/2012 15:39
I use hair removing cream, no chemical burns so far, though it can feel a bit tender for a few hours afterwards.
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Skiffen · 25/10/2012 15:41
What espanol said.
dolomites I just snorted in public at your post!
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MrsArchieTheInventor · 25/10/2012 15:52
Don't shave it! I once got a bit razor happy in the shower and shaved off all my hair down there and it itched like mad! I still shave my pubes and the itching goes after a liberal application of moisturiser, but don't shave your arse hair as you'll just feel like you've got worms for several weeks until they grow back!
Unless you're into rimming or have a major hang up about it I'd leave well alone.
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